  • Diving
  • Fernando de Noronha
  • Fernando de Noronha
  • English, Portuguese
  • 10
  • Transfer Included
Price From R$1.800,00 price per person
  • Hassle-Free Booking
  • Handpicked Local Partners
  • Sustainable Travel
  • Book with Flexibility


Experience the underwater world with our 2-day diving package in Fernando de Noronha, perfect for certified divers of all levels. Known worldwide as one of the world’s premier diving destinations, the island boasts 22 stunning dive sites, each offering a unique adventure.

Whether exploring the coral reefs or uncovering hidden caves, this trip promises an unforgettable journey tailored to your experience level.

Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha

The package includes two dives daily, guided by experienced instructors who prioritize your safety while sharing their knowledge of the region’s marine life.

The crystal clear waters offer visibility of up to 40 meters, creating the perfect environment to encounter turtles, rays, sharks, and various species of fish.

Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha
Stefani Zanela

With dive sites such as Caverna da Sapata, Ilha do Meio, and Laje Dois Irmãos, each dive immerses you in the biodiversity of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Swim alongside turtles in Fernando de Noronha
Zaira Matheus

Designed for flexibility, this 2-day diving package in Fernando de Noronha can include additional days, allowing you to explore even more of the island’s underwater landscapes.

Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha
Thiege Rodrigues

Each dive is adapted to your certification level, ensuring safety and excitement as you navigate the marine ecosystems that make Noronha a diver’s dream.

Highlights of the adventure

  • Discover sites like Caverna da Sapata and Ilha do Meio.
  • Each dive is planned based on your experience to ensure a safe adventure.
  • Swim with turtles, rays, sharks, and coral reefs.
  • Enjoy up to 40 meters of visibility in the waters of Noronha.
  • Dive with professional instructors, with bilingual assistance available.


What is included?

  • Roundtrip transfers between your accommodation and dive sites.
  • Ballast and two tanks per day.
  • Instructor guidance.

What is not included?

  • Wetsuit (available for rent).
  • Equipment rental (BCD, regulator, mask, fins).
  • Marine National Park Entrance.
  • Daily government tax.
  • Lodging in Fernando de Noronha.

Frequently asked questions

I’ve never dived before. Can I try it? Can I try it?

Absolut! If you’ve never dived, you can experience the Discovery Scuba Diving program, guided by an instructor. Before diving, you’ll receive a quick lesson during navigation, covering all the instructions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Gibt es Einschränkungen für das Tauchen?

Ja, es gibt relative und absolute Einschränkungen. Vor dem Tauchgang füllen Sie einen Gesundheitsfragebogen aus, um Ihre Eignung festzustellen.

Können Taucher die Tauchplätze selbst wählen?

Die Tauchplätze werden täglich abhängig von den Meeresbedingungen und den Fähigkeiten der Taucher ausgewählt. Unsere Umweltbehörde, das ICMBio, sorgt dafür, dass wir die Regeln einhalten und umweltgerecht tauchen.

Wie lange dauert jeder Tauchgang?

Discovery Scuba Diving: Sie sind etwa 30 Minuten unter Wasser, können jedoch jederzeit auftauchen, indem Sie Ihrem Tauchlehrer ein Signal geben.

Zertifizierte Taucher: Jeder Tauchgang dauert etwa 30 bis 50 Minuten, abhängig von der Tiefe und dem Luftverbrauch.

Tauchtouren beinhalten normalerweise zwei Tauchgänge an verschiedenen Orten.

Welche Meereslebewesen kann ich erwarten?

Fernando de Noronha beheimatet eine erstaunliche Vielfalt an Meereslebewesen. Sie finden farbenfrohe Korallen, Schwämme,

Algen sowie verschiedene Fischarten, Krustentiere und Oktopusse. Größere Tiere wie Schildkröten, Rochen, Haie, Muränen und sogar Delfine können ebenfalls gesichtet werden.

Die Unterwasserlandschaft mit Felsenküsten, Schluchten und Höhlen macht das Erlebnis noch beeindruckender.

Kann ich am gleichen Tag tauchen und fliegen?

Nein, Sie müssen mindestens 12 Stunden nach Ihrem letzten Tauchgang warten, bevor Sie fliegen. Das dient Ihrer Sicherheit.

Ist es sicher, vor dem Tauchen zu essen?

Ja, solange Sie leichte Mahlzeiten zu sich nehmen und den ganzen Tag über ausreichend Flüssigkeit trinken.

Kann ich eine Kamera mitbringen?

Discovery Scuba Diving: Sie können eine Kamera mitbringen, aber bitte stören Sie das Erlebnis nicht. Beachten Sie, dass die Tauchlehrer keine Fotos für Sie machen können.

Zertifizierte Taucher: Sie können gerne Ihre Kamera für Unterwasserfotografie mitbringen, um die Meereslebewesen festzuhalten.

Sind Haie in Noronha gefährlich?

Überhaupt nicht. Das ausgewogene Ökosystem in Noronha stellt sicher, dass keine Meeresbewohner eine Gefahr für Taucher darstellen, solange Sie die Regel beachten, die Tiere nicht zu berühren.

Wann ist die beste Zeit zum Tauchen?

Fernando de Noronha ist das ganze Jahr über ein großartiger Ort zum Tauchen. Die Wassertemperatur liegt bei etwa 27°C, und die Sichtweite beträgt zwischen 25 und 40 Metern. Von März bis Juli sind die Meere normalerweise ruhig.

Bei Wind (August bis September) oder bei Swell (November bis März) kann die Sicht etwas geringer sein, aber es bleibt eine gute Zeit zum Tauchen.

Lesen Sie den vollständigen Artikel für weitere Informationen.

Ab welchem Alter ist Tauchen erlaubt?

Das Discovery Scuba Diving- und Open Water-Kurse haben ein Mindestalter von 10 Jahren. Die Boote für zertifizierte Taucher sind für Kinder ab 8 Jahren geeignet.

Können Nicht-Taucher an den Tauchtouren teilnehmen?

Ja, Nicht-Taucher sind gegen eine Begleitgebühr an Bord willkommen. Kinder müssen jedoch jederzeit von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden, und Schwimmwesten sind Pflicht.

Können zertifizierte Taucher und Teilnehmer des Discovery Scuba gemeinsam tauchen?

Wenn Sie zertifizierter Taucher sind, können Sie das Discovery-Scuba-Boot begleiten. Diese Touren besuchen jedoch Tauchplätze mit einer maximalen Tiefe von 12 Metern. Begleiten Sie einen Discovery-Teilnehmer, sind Sie auf diese Tiefen beschränkt.

Sind Fotos in der Tauchtour enthalten?

Ja, professionelle Fotografen begleiten die Tour. Sie können die Fotos im Anschluss kaufen, die Ihre Unterwasserabenteuer wunderschön festhalten.

Overall Adventure Rating:
- Based on 19 travel reviews
Very Good
  1. I highly recommend it, it's worth every penny
    By Flavio
    from Brazil
    February 23, 2025
    It was an unprecedented experience for me, which was wonderful because of the instructors and the girls at the store, thank you very much for the experience, the whole team, Clara and Bia who attended It was an unprecedented experience for me, which was wonderful because of the instructors and the girls at the store, thank you very much for the experience, the whole team, Clara and Bia who attended to me with a lot of attention and affection, especially with my son. I highly recommend it, it's worth every penny …read more read less
    Date of Experience: February 23, 2025
  2. Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha
    Amazing experience
    By Diego
    from Brazil
    February 23, 2025
    Amazing experience, it was my first dive and I loved it! The team is very well trained and experienced, I highly recommend it!
    Date of Experience: February 23, 2025
  3. Preservation- Fernando de Noronha Diving Guide - Sandro Rodrigues
    I liked everything
    By Julia
    from Brazil
    February 21, 2025
    Serious, organized, punctual diving school, competent instructors, I liked everything. They set up all the equipment on the boat, everything was top quality.
    Date of Experience: February 21, 2025
  4. Recommended
    By Cynthia
    from Spain
    February 16, 2025
    The activity was excellent. We did our first dive with them. We had booked for a Friday and as the weather was bad they moved us to Monday. The instructors help and accompany you throughout The activity was excellent. We did our first dive with them. We had booked for a Friday and as the weather was bad they moved us to Monday. The instructors help and accompany you throughout the whole trip. As it's your first dive you won't see sharks or turtles. Or it's even rarer but you will see lots of fish and marine life. 100% recommended. …read more read less
    Date of Experience: February 16, 2025
  5. I want more!
    By Juliana F. December 8, 2023
    A unique and perfect experience. Great professionals, I felt very safe with the instructor who accompanied me! I want more!
    Date of Experience: December 02, 2023
  6. spectacular experience!!!!!
    By Cris V. December 7, 2023
    As far as nature is concerned, I expected a lot of life, transparent water, but the team was surprising, very attentive, several instructors on the dive, they were incredibly safe!!!
    Date of Experience: December 01, 2023
  7. Nice diving!!
    By Jonas G. November 18, 2023
    I really enjoyed the baptismal dive, it surprised me, fantastic service from all the staff, beautiful location.
    Date of Experience: November 10, 2023
  8. Incredible dives
    By Fdzamboni
    from Brazil
    August 24, 2023
    I've just been to Noronha, I did the dive and I was delighted with the standard they manage to maintain. Incredible staff, well-maintained boat, quality equipment. I dive there whenever I can. You maintain the I've just been to Noronha, I did the dive and I was delighted with the standard they manage to maintain. Incredible staff, well-maintained boat, quality equipment. I dive there whenever I can. You maintain the highest standards of safety and comfort. Congratulations! …read more read less
    Date of Experience: August 14, 2023
  9. Wonderful experience!
    By Gabriella Aguilar
    from Brazil
    August 20, 2023
    The dives were really incredible! Wonderful staff, safe the whole time, and of course, the beautiful scenery at the bottom of this huge sea! I will carry this experience with me for life.
    Date of Experience: August 07, 2023
  10. An incredible and unforgettable experience
    By Carlos M
    from Brazil
    July 30, 2023
    Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to go scuba diving, so I went with great expectations. And you made it incredible. I felt very safe during the baptism, the instructors were very Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to go scuba diving, so I went with great expectations. And you made it incredible. I felt very safe during the baptism, the instructors were very prepared and very nice. The whole experience was light, everyone there was focused on promoting an unforgettable dive and so it was. …read more read less
    Date of Experience: July 15, 2023

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    Price From R$1.800,00 price per person
    • Hassle-Free Booking
    • Handpicked Local Partners
    • Sustainable Travel
    • Book with Flexibility