  • Tauchen
  • Fernando de Noronha
  • Fernando de Noronha
  • Englisch, Portugiesisch
  • 10
  • Transfer inbegriffen
Preis von R$1.800,00 price per person
  • Problemlose Buchung
  • Handverlesene lokale Partner
  • Nachhaltiges Reisen
  • Buchen mit Flexibilität


Erleben Sie die Unterwasserwelt mit unserem 2-tägigen Tauchpaket in Fernando de Noronha, das sich perfekt für zertifizierte Taucher aller Niveaus eignet. Die Insel ist weltweit als eines der besten Tauchziele bekannt und bietet 22 atemberaubende Tauchplätze, von denen jeder ein einzigartiges Abenteuer bietet. 

Ob Sie die Korallenriffe erkunden oder versteckte Höhlen entdecken möchten, diese Reise verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, das auf Ihr Erfahrungsniveau zugeschnitten ist.

Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha

Das Paket umfasst zwei Tauchgänge pro Tag, die von erfahrenen Tauchlehrern geleitet werden, die Ihre Sicherheit in den Vordergrund stellen und gleichzeitig ihr Wissen über die Unterwasserwelt der Region weitergeben.

Das kristallklare Wasser bietet eine Sichtweite von bis zu 40 Metern und schafft so die perfekte Umgebung, um Schildkröten, Rochen, Haie und verschiedene Fischarten zu beobachten

Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha
Stefani Zanela

Mit Tauchplätzen wie Caverna da Sapata, Ilha do Meio und Laje Dois Irmãos tauchen Sie bei jedem Tauchgang in die Artenvielfalt dieses UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes ein.

Swim alongside turtles in Fernando de Noronha
Zaira Matheus

Dieses Tauchpaket in Fernando de Noronha ist auf Flexibilität ausgelegt und kann um zusätzliche Tage erweitert werden, sodass Sie noch mehr von den Unterwasserlandschaften der Insel erkunden können.

Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha
Thiege Rodrigues

Jeder Tauchgang wird an Ihre Zertifizierungsstufe angepasst, um sowohl Sicherheit als auch Spannung zu gewährleisten, während Sie durch die Meeresökosysteme navigieren, die Noronha zu einem Traum für Taucher machen.

Höhepunkte des Abenteuers

  • Entdecken Sie atemberaubende Orte wie die Caverna da Sapata und die Ilha do Meio.
  • Jeder Tauchgang wird auf der Grundlage Ihrer Erfahrung geplant, um ein sicheres und aufregendes Abenteuer zu gewährleisten.
  • Schwimmen Sie mit Schildkröten, Rochen, Haien und Korallenriffen.
  • Genießen Sie eine Sichtweite von bis zu 40 Metern in den Gewässern von Noronha.
  • Tauchen Sie mit professionellen Tauchlehrern, die zweisprachige Unterstützung anbieten.


Was ist enthalten?

  • Hin- und Rücktransfer zwischen Ihrer Unterkunft und den Tauchplätzen.
  • Ballast und zwei Tanks pro Tag.
  • Anleitung durch den Tauchlehrer.

Was ist nicht enthalten?

  • Neoprenanzug (kann gemietet werden).
  • Ausrüstungsverleih (Tarierweste, Atemregler, Maske, Flossen).
  • Eintritt in den Meeresnationalpark.
  • Tägliche Regierungssteuer.
  • Unterkunft in Fernando de Noronha.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Ich habe noch nie getaucht. Kann ich es ausprobieren?

Absolut! Wenn Sie noch nie getaucht haben, können Sie das Discovery Scuba Diving-Programm ausprobieren, das von einem Tauchlehrer begleitet wird. Vor dem Tauchgang erhalten Sie eine kurze Einführung während der Fahrt, in der alle Anweisungen erklärt werden, um ein sicheres und angenehmes Erlebnis zu gewährleisten.

Gibt es irgendwelche Einschränkungen beim Tauchen?

Yes, there are both relative and absolute restrictions. Before you dive, you’ll complete a health assessment questionnaire to determine your eligibility.

Can divers choose the dive spots?

Dive spots are chosen daily based on what the sea is like and our divers are like. The ICMBio, our environmental authority, makes sure we stick to the rules and do things right for the environment.

How long does each dive last?

Discovery Scuba Diving: You’ll be underwater for about 30 minutes, but you can come up at any time by signaling your instructor.

Certified Divers: Each dive lasts about 30 to 50 minutes, depending on depth and air consumption.

Dive tours usually include two dives at different spots.

What marine life can I expect to see?

Fernando de Noronha is home to an amazing variety of marine life. You’ll find vibrant corals, sponges, algae, and different species of fish, crustaceans, and octopuses. You might even spot larger species like turtles, rays, sharks, moray eels, and even dolphins. The underwater landscape, with its rocky shores, canyons, and caves, adds to the incredible experience.

Can I dive and fly on the same day?

No, you need to wait at least 12 hours after your last dive before you fly. It’s just a safety thing.

Is it safe to eat before diving?

Yes, as long as you keep your meal light and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Can I bring a camera?

Discovery Scuba Diving: You can bring your camera, but please don’t disrupt the experience. Just a heads-up, instructors can’t take photos for you.

Certified Divers: You’re welcome to bring your camera for underwater photography, which is a great way to capture marine life.

Are sharks dangerous in Noronha?

Not at all. The well-balanced ecosystem in Noronha ensures that no marine animals pose a threat to divers, provided you follow the rule of not touching the wildlife.

When is the best time for diving?

Fernando de Noronha is a great place to dive year-round. The water is around 27°C and visibility is between 25 and 40 meters. There are usually calm seas from March to July. If it’s windy (August to September) or there are swells (November to March), visibility might be a little lower, but it’s still a good time to dive. Read the complete article for more information.

At what age is diving allowed?

Discovery Scuba Diving and Open Water Courses have a minimum age of 10, and Certified Divers’ Boats are only for kids aged 8 and up.

Can non-divers join the dive tours?

Yes, non-divers are welcome on board for a companion fee. Just a heads-up, though: children must be accompanied by a guardian at all times, and life jackets are mandatory.

Can certified divers and Discovery Scuba participants dive together?

If you’re a certified diver, you can join the Discovery Scuba boat, but these tours visit dive spots with a maximum depth of 12 meters. If you’re a certified diver and are accompanying a Discovery participant, you’ll be limited to these depths.

Are photos included in the dive tour?

Yes, professional photographers will be on the tour with you. You can buy photos afterward, which capture your underwater adventure beautifully.

Gesamtbewertung des Abenteuers:
- Basierend auf 19 travel reviews
Sehr gut
  1. I highly recommend it, it's worth every penny
    By Flavio
    von Brazil
    Februar 23, 2025
    It was an unprecedented experience for me, which was wonderful because of the instructors and the girls at the store, thank you very much for the experience, the whole team, Clara and Bia who attended It was an unprecedented experience for me, which was wonderful because of the instructors and the girls at the store, thank you very much for the experience, the whole team, Clara and Bia who attended to me with a lot of attention and affection, especially with my son. I highly recommend it, it's worth every penny …read more weniger lesen
    Datum der Erfahrung: Februar 23, 2025
  2. Advanced Adventurer Diving Course in Fernando de Noronha
    Amazing experience
    By Diego
    von Brazil
    Februar 23, 2025
    Amazing experience, it was my first dive and I loved it! The team is very well trained and experienced, I highly recommend it!
    Datum der Erfahrung: Februar 23, 2025
  3. Preservation- Fernando de Noronha Diving Guide - Sandro Rodrigues
    I liked everything
    By Julia
    von Brazil
    Februar 21, 2025
    Serious, organized, punctual diving school, competent instructors, I liked everything. They set up all the equipment on the boat, everything was top quality.
    Datum der Erfahrung: Februar 21, 2025
  4. Recommended
    By Cynthia
    von Spain
    Februar 16, 2025
    The activity was excellent. We did our first dive with them. We had booked for a Friday and as the weather was bad they moved us to Monday. The instructors help and accompany you throughout The activity was excellent. We did our first dive with them. We had booked for a Friday and as the weather was bad they moved us to Monday. The instructors help and accompany you throughout the whole trip. As it's your first dive you won't see sharks or turtles. Or it's even rarer but you will see lots of fish and marine life. 100% recommended. …read more weniger lesen
    Datum der Erfahrung: Februar 16, 2025
  5. I want more!
    By Juliana F. Dezember 8, 2023
    A unique and perfect experience. Great professionals, I felt very safe with the instructor who accompanied me! I want more!
    Datum der Erfahrung: Dezember 02, 2023
  6. spectacular experience!!!!!
    By Cris V. Dezember 7, 2023
    As far as nature is concerned, I expected a lot of life, transparent water, but the team was surprising, very attentive, several instructors on the dive, they were incredibly safe!!!
    Datum der Erfahrung: Dezember 01, 2023
  7. Nice diving!!
    By Jonas G. November 18, 2023
    I really enjoyed the baptismal dive, it surprised me, fantastic service from all the staff, beautiful location.
    Datum der Erfahrung: November 10, 2023
  8. Incredible dives
    By Fdzamboni
    von Brazil
    August 24, 2023
    I've just been to Noronha, I did the dive and I was delighted with the standard they manage to maintain. Incredible staff, well-maintained boat, quality equipment. I dive there whenever I can. You maintain the I've just been to Noronha, I did the dive and I was delighted with the standard they manage to maintain. Incredible staff, well-maintained boat, quality equipment. I dive there whenever I can. You maintain the highest standards of safety and comfort. Congratulations! …read more weniger lesen
    Datum der Erfahrung: August 14, 2023
  9. Wonderful experience!
    By Gabriella Aguilar
    von Brazil
    August 20, 2023
    The dives were really incredible! Wonderful staff, safe the whole time, and of course, the beautiful scenery at the bottom of this huge sea! I will carry this experience with me for life.
    Datum der Erfahrung: August 07, 2023
  10. An incredible and unforgettable experience
    By Carlos M
    von Brazil
    Juli 30, 2023
    Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to go scuba diving, so I went with great expectations. And you made it incredible. I felt very safe during the baptism, the instructors were very Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to go scuba diving, so I went with great expectations. And you made it incredible. I felt very safe during the baptism, the instructors were very prepared and very nice. The whole experience was light, everyone there was focused on promoting an unforgettable dive and so it was. …read more weniger lesen
    Datum der Erfahrung: Juli 15, 2023

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    Preis von R$1.800,00 price per person
    • Problemlose Buchung
    • Handverlesene lokale Partner
    • Nachhaltiges Reisen
    • Buchen mit Flexibilität