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Über das Abenteuer
Bereit für Abenteuer? Entdecke unsere Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien und erlebe den unglaublichen Amazonas Regenwald hautnah! Wir fahren auf dem Rio Urubu, einem Fluss, der direkt in den großen Amazonas fließt. Dieser rund 500 km lange Fluss ist einer der schmalsten, die wir erkunden werden – ideal, um den echten Dschungel zu entdecken. Es ist eine einzigartige und besondere Reise!
Genieße die Ruhe eines unbesuchten Flusses auf dieser Kajaktour im brasilianischen Amazonas. Du verbringst ein paar ruhige Tage fernab vom Lärm der Welt. Die sanfte Strömung des Flusses macht es leicht, in Bewegung zu bleiben, aber halte dich gut fest! Du wirst auch einige lustige und sichere Stromschnellen finden, die deine Reise noch aufregender machen.
Verpasse dieses einzigartige Erlebnis nicht! Unsere 4-tägige Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien ist die beste Art, diesen erstaunlichen Fluss zu sehen und seine Tierwelt zu entdecken. Dies ist eine einzigartige Reise in den Regenwald, die du nicht verpassen solltest! Bist du bereit, in den Amazonasdschungel einzutauchen?
Höhepunkte des Abenteuers
- Fahre auf dem Rio Urubu und erlebe den Dschungel hautnah und authentisch.
- Genieße eine friedliche Fahrt auf einem wenig befahrenen Fluss, weit weg vom Lärm der Welt.
- Erlebe eine einzigartige Kajaktour im Amazonas Regenwald, einem versteckten Juwel.
- Die Tour ist all-inclusive und beinhaltet Transport, Reiseleiter, Mahlzeiten und Campingausrüstung.
Tag für Tag
Bist du bereit, deine Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien zu beginnen? Wir holen dich von deinem Hotel ab und fahren 2 Stunden bis zum Urubu-Fluss. Dein Guide wird dir zeigen, wie du dein Kajak sicher paddelst, bevor wir aufs Wasser gehen.
Nach 3 Stunden Paddeln auf unserer Kajak Expedition machen wir eine Pause, um durch den Dschungel zu wandern und den beeindruckenden Wasserfall “Lua Branca” zu besichtigen. Dann essen wir etwas zu Mittag, um uns für den nächsten Teil unserer Reise zu stärken.
Die letzte Etappe deines einmaligen Erlebnisses im Regenwald umfasst weitere 1,5 Stunden Kajakfahren. Wenn wir an unserem Campingplatz ankommen, findest du alles für dich vorbereitet. Entspanne dich und schlürfe einen berühmten brasilianischen Caipirinha und denke an all die tollen Dinge, die du heute auf deiner Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien gemacht hast.
Wir beginnen den Morgen mit einer etwa 6-stündigen Kajaktour zu unserem nächsten Ziel. Keine Sorge, wir werden unterwegs eine Pause einlegen, um etwas zu essen.
Bei der Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien geht es nicht nur um das Wasser, wir wandern auch zu dem atemberaubenden Iracema-Wasserfall. Glaub uns, das willst du nicht verpassen!
Wenn wir unseren neuen Campingplatz erreicht haben, können wir den Tag beim Angeln ausklingen lassen. Das Nachtangeln ist ein weiterer lustiger Teil unseres Erlebnisses. Mach dich bereit für weitere Abenteuer morgen!
Bist du bereit für mehr Action im brasilianischen Regenwald? Heute fahren wir flussabwärts zu unserem nächsten Ort. Das Gefühl von Friedlichkeit und Abgeschiedenheit ist unglaublich, während du mit dem Kajak durch diese einzigartige Umgebung fährst. Der dritte Tag unserer Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien hat eine besondere Note. Wir halten an, um eine lokale Gemeinde zu besuchen und etwas über ihre Traditionen zu erfahren. Das ist eine gute Gelegenheit, um in die lokale Kultur einzutauchen.
Der dritte Tag unserer Amazonas-Kajaktour hat eine besondere Note; Wir halten an, um Einheimische zu besuchen und etwas über ihre Traditionen zu erfahren; Das ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, etwas lokales Wissen aufzusaugen
Bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit brechen wir zu einem Abenteuer auf, um nachtaktive Tiere wie den Kaiman zu beobachten. Halte also die Augen offen! Es wird ein weiterer unvergesslicher Tag werden.
Am letzten Tag deines Kajakerlenisses werden wir etwa 8 Stunden paddeln (wenn du müde bist, kannst du dich vom Begleitboot ziehen lassen) und dabei ein letztes Mal die Flora und Fauna erkunden. Unser Ziel ist der Rettungspunkt, an dem ein 4×4-Wagen auf uns warten wird.
Jetzt kommt ein weiterer spannender Teil: Nachdem du die 95 km (59 Meilen) dieser unglaublichen Amazonasdurchquerung mit dem Kajak zurückgelegt hast, hast du die Möglichkeit, eine Pause für ein kühles Bier oder ein erfrischendes Softgetränk einzulegen. Unsere Reise ist zu Ende, wenn wir etwa eine Stunde später Manaus erreichen und damit diese unvergessliche Amazonas Kajaktour in Brasilien abschließen.
Was ist enthalten?
- Abholung und Rückfahrt von Manaus;
- Englischsprachiger lokaler Reiseleiter;
- Mahlzeiten;
- Trinkbares Wasser;
- Caipirinha;
- Kanu- und Campingausrüstung;
- Begleitboot.
Was ist nicht enthalten?
- Frühstück am ersten Tag und Abendessen am letzten Tag;
- Persönliche Hygieneartikel;
- Handtuch;
- Flugtickets;
- Getränke oder andere Dinge, die während der Aktivität verkauft werden.
von United statesSeptember 10, 2024Reviewed Tour 4 jours de kayak en Amazonie brésilienneWe did a four-day kayaking trip followed by a four-day Amazon cruise. The former was pretty basic, with hammocks to sleep in and basic (but generally very good) camp meals. Paddling was great but pretty We did a four-day kayaking trip followed by a four-day Amazon cruise. The former was pretty basic, with hammocks to sleep in and basic (but generally very good) camp meals. Paddling was great but pretty demanding during the very dry season in which we went. If you're a less enthusiastic paddler, you may want to choose a rainier time of year. …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: September 06, 2024
von ItalyAugust 25, 2024Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilThe amazon trip was very well organized and the guides were very nice! We recommend it.Datum der Erfahrung: August 19, 2024
von BrazilAugust 29, 2024Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilThe experience was amazing being completely immersed in nature. Our guide knew exactly where to go and had a good spirit during the 4-day tour. We slept in hammocks, went kayaking, and saw amazing hidden The experience was amazing being completely immersed in nature. Our guide knew exactly where to go and had a good spirit during the 4-day tour. We slept in hammocks, went kayaking, and saw amazing hidden waterfalls after some good trekking trails. For your information, it is a bit physically demanding but totally recommended for a full Amazon experience. Logistically, PlanetaEXO's team was very helpful during the pre-booking and information phase. …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: August 19, 2024
von United statesAugust 18, 2024Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilThe four days I spent kayaking in the Amazon with Planeta EXO were absolutely amazing. The booking process was seamless, and the agents were friendly and helpful. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the local The four days I spent kayaking in the Amazon with Planeta EXO were absolutely amazing. The booking process was seamless, and the agents were friendly and helpful. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the local people and fauna and ensured that everything went smoothly. We were shown a lot of incredible sights, from cave waterfalls to crystal clear water pools. The Amazon is an incredible place, and our guide made it an even more special experience. For those who enjoy spending time in nature, I can’t recommend this tour enough. It’s an unforgettable experience. …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: August 13, 2024
von United StatesJanuar 25, 2024Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilThe most epic exhale, with an amazing and relaxed tour guide who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our The most epic exhale, with an amazing and relaxed tour guide who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our accommodation. He's also an incredible cook, the food on this trip was one of the tastiest meals I've ever had, 10/10 recommend …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: Januar 25, 2024
von CanadáJanuar 21, 2024Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilOne of the best trips my husband and I have ever taken. They took great care of us in the Amazon and took us to amazing waterfalls and jungle hikes. The food and camping experience One of the best trips my husband and I have ever taken. They took great care of us in the Amazon and took us to amazing waterfalls and jungle hikes. The food and camping experience were amazing too! The guides were also very friendly and helpful in answering all our questions. We had all the sites completely to ourselves, just the sounds of the rainforest. It was also an amazing experience to kayak and swim in the river. I would recommend doing this to anyone who is considering it, as it is an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience! You really feel removed from nature here. I tend to be very prone to anxiety, but coming on this trip I felt safe and relaxed the whole time! Thank you for the best trip of our lives!" …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: Januar 21, 2024
von BrazilJanuar 8, 2024Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilThe tour guide was amazing and relaxed who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our accommodation. The guide is The tour guide was amazing and relaxed who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our accommodation. The guide is also an amazing cook, the food on this trip was one of the tastiest meals I've ever had, 10/10 recommend …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: Januar 03, 2024
von BrazilNovember 9, 2023Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilI got in touch with a rough plan to do a 3-4 week canoe trip in as remote a location as possible. After previously talking to several guides, it quickly became clear that the one I got in touch with a rough plan to do a 3-4 week canoe trip in as remote a location as possible. After previously talking to several guides, it quickly became clear that the one who accompanied me was the best person. His enthusiasm, sense of adventure and willingness to work with me to find the right route and expedition plan made a longtime dream possible! We ended up paddling more than 200 km down the Jauaperi River in Roraima. Throughout the preparation for the trip, the guide worked with me to finalize a route and even made a reconnaissance trip to the area to check the river conditions and get in touch with the locals. He was super open to doing this trip as partners - from the planning and provisioning to the daily route and camping decisions, he contributed his experience while remaining open to my opinion and collaboration. In the end, the logistics of the trip went smoothly. Most importantly, the guide has a genuine love for the natural environment and the wildlife we encountered. We could paddle silently for hours every morning, listening to the jungle come alive with the rising sun, and make a new wildlife observation at every bend in the river. He never lost his enthusiasm for these moments, nor his patience with my own project to absorb them. If you want to do something different, push the boundaries of a guided trip and really get out into nature, this is definitely the right choice! …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: Oktober 24, 2023
von United statesOktober 31, 2023Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilI've just returned from a five-day kayaking trip on the Urubu River with my guide and his logistics guy. It took me a while to organize the trip due to some personal problems, but the I've just returned from a five-day kayaking trip on the Urubu River with my guide and his logistics guy. It took me a while to organize the trip due to some personal problems, but the team was very patient and helpful in answering all my emails. The days consisted of a few hours of kayaking which, as the water was particularly low, involved a lot of white water, although it was easier to paddle. Once we had to portage rapids and a couple of times we had to enter the water to guide our kayaks through rocky areas. At one point, I was almost thrown from the boat and, although I managed to right myself, Erikes was there, ready to pull me to safety. Once a day we stopped for a good lunch that was waiting for us and then we used to tie up a hammock to take a nap. Then it was back to the kayaks until we reached the campsite for the night. Occasionally we went on a hike, including one where there was an amazing waterfall where you could cool off. I'm an early riser, so I saw a few sunrises. The food was very good. Breakfast usually consisted of eggs, some kind of tapioca jam, meat, cheese and coffee. Lunch and dinner usually included rice, beans, cassava topping and one or more proteins, including chicken, beef, fish, sausages and grilled ribs. There was plenty of cold water and the occasional welcome fruit juice, as well as beer, which goes down very well on a hot, muggy day. Best part of the trip: few mosquitoes, if any, in this part of the Amazon! I only got a few bites on one day, but they may have been from ants or other insects. …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: Oktober 17, 2023
von United KingdomNovember 1, 2022Reviewed Tour 4-day Amazon Kayak Tour BrazilA colleague and I decided to do the Urubur River Expedition. It was a private tour and most of the time we weren’t seeing any other humans at all on the river! Since we wanted A colleague and I decided to do the Urubur River Expedition. It was a private tour and most of the time we weren’t seeing any other humans at all on the river! Since we wanted to also see the beautiful waterfalls of Presidente Figueiredo, the guide arranged to add an additional day for seeing some of the best waterfalls and at night we were sleeping next to a very beautiful waterfall! During the trip, we saw some snakes, a family of giant otters (that was really amazing!), caimans, monkeys, and birds. You cant expect it to be a zoo though. The Amazon is not the best place to spot animals, it’s more about being totally immersed in nature. Especially sleeping in the forest every night was a very nice thrill and experience. Also seeing one of the most beautiful star skies, the forest full of fireflies, and doing kayak alone on the river in the early morning hours are very special experiences. It’s very hot all the time but the river is nice to get a fresh bath anytime you need. The guides are very nice people and really great cooks that were able to provide awesome food every day in the limited environment. Everything was well organized and its a very authentic and environmentally-respectful trip. I really loved it! But it’s also not for everybody. You should not expect it to be like a zoo and you should be able to enjoy just being on the river and seeing the forest for hours (could be monotonic for some people). Also kayaking for 200 KM can be exhausting, although there is always the option that the guide helps you with some parts. …read more weniger lesenDatum der Erfahrung: Oktober 27, 2022