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Need some help to plan your visit to the Amazon Rainforest? This travel guide will show you all the tips for an unforgettable vacation in Brazil!


Are you a nature lover and your ultimate dream is to visit the Amazon so you can experience the fascinating wonders of the largest rainforest in the world?

If the answer is a loud and clear “yes!”, then you’ve come to the right place. There are many ways to discover it, from guided tours with wild camping, to staying in a luxury jungle lodge, or even exploring on a river cruise. This carefully curated travel guide will help you with your travel planning and tell you all you need to know on how to visit the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.

Ready? Let’s get to it!

Table of contents:

  1. About the Amazon
  2. Where is located?
  3. Can you visit the Amazon Rainforest?
  4. How to get to the Amazon?
  5. When is the best time to visit the Amazon Rainforest?
  6. What to do in the Amazon Rainforest?
  7. Amazon Wildlife 
  8. Where to stay in the Amazon Rainforest?
  9. How long should you stay?
  10. How much does it cost?
  11. Do you need a vaccine to go to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil?
  12. What should you bring?
  13. Is traveling to the Amazon worth it?

About the Amazon

If it were a country, the Amazon would be the seventh largest in the world. It spans 6,7 million km² – twice the size of India!

How to visit the Amazon Rainforest - Cristalino National Reserve
The impressive numbers go on, this time regarding fauna and flora: there are 30 million species of animals – although not all of them have been officially cataloged yet –, 2.5 million types of insects, and 2.500 and 30.000 varieties of trees and plants, respectively.

When it comes to the rivershed, 20% of the planet’s freshwater belongs to the Amazon. The Amazon River alone has an extension of 6.400 km, going down the Andes Mountains and flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.

Such richness holds more than half of the world’s entire biodiversity, making the value of the Amazon Rainforest immeasurable and irreplaceable.

Anavilhanas Naional Park

Where is the Amazon Rainforest?

The Amazon Rainforest is in South America, reaching eight different countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.

59% of its area is solely located in Brazil, touching the states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Acre, Amapá, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins.

Can you visit the Amazon Rainforest?

Yes, absolutely! But it’s important to rely on professionals who truly know the area. The forest is incredibly beautiful, but the wilderness is harsh. So if you have ever wondered if it’s safe to visit the Amazon Rainforest, the presence of qualified guides is crucial and non-negotiable precisely to ensure everyone’s safety.

This is also the best way to appreciate nature in its fullness, since an expert will know how to move around the jungle. The activities are vast, but some factors should be considered for everyone’s enjoyment, like weather conditions and the right places to spot animals, for example.

Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge Brazil
Visiting the Amazon is actually encouraged because it can also be a great way to ensure its preservation. Ecotourism is a powerful tool to provide work for local communities that have no other option but to depend on exploitative industries to support their families. When sustainable travel companies employ these people, they inspire them to work in favor of the forest instead of its degradation.

Visit to indigenous communities

Ecotourism also raises awareness about environmental issues, like deforestation, pollution and climate change. Upon seeing the wonders of the Amazon, travelers fully understand why it is so important to protect it, which can make them engaged in conservation projects not only in the rainforest, but also in their home countries.

How to get to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil?

There are a few ways to visit the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, but the most convenient one is to fly to Manaus, the capital of Amazonas.

From the US, travelers can choose between two different direct flights, one from Fort Lauderdale (FLL) and one from Miami (MIA). Bogotá (BOG) and Panama (PTY) are also great options for Americans and Europeans to land in Manaus as soon as the plane hits Brazilian territory. Otherwise, layovers in São Paulo (GRU), Rio de Janeiro (GIG) or Brasília (BSB) are to be expected.

How to get to the Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon in Mato Grosso and Pará are also amazing vacation spots to explore nature.

👉 Check our detailed article on how to get to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil to learn all about the best transportation options!

When is the best time to visit the Amazon Rainforest?

Although the Amazon is considered a year-round destination, the period from January to September offers the best climate conditions because it avoids the peak of Dry Season at the same time that there are good hiking trail options and enough water for aquatic activities.

Speaking of those, the Wet Season (December to May) is great for people who want to enjoy the Amazonian rivers by kayaking, canoeing, swimming and exploring the flooded forest. Rainstorms are common, but they don’t last too long.Canoeing throught a flooded forest

The Dry Season (June to November) is popular because it usually allows both water and land-based activities. However, it’s important to notice that extended droughts are becoming more frequent, especially from October to December. This causes low water levels and limited access to a few areas and itineraries, but things tend to get better by January.

How to visit the Amazon Rainforest - Travel Guide

👉 Click here and learn more about when is the best time to visit the Brazilian Amazon!

What to do in the Amazon Rainforest?

In addition to how to visit the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, what to do during the trip is a very frequently asked question by people who are interested in spending their vacation there.

Tree climbing - How to visit the Amazon Rainforest in BrazilEach tour has its own itinerary, but tourists can expect a few activities, such as:

  • Jungle hiking
  • Boat trips
  • Kayaking
  • Canoeing
  • River cruises
  • Sailing through the Meeting of Waters
  • Wildlife watching
  • Tree climbing
  • Cave exploring
  • Forest immersion in jungle lodges
  • Visiting local communities (including indigenous groups)

Curious to see just what kind of fun is waiting for you?
👉 See the top things to do in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil!

Animals in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil

Like said before, there are millions of species of animals in the Amazon ecosystem, but some are considered symbols of the forest, like the mysterious harpy eagle, colorful macaws (red and blue), black spider monkeys, beautiful jaguars, cute-looking sloths, friendly Amazon pink dolphins and ravenous piranhas.How to visit the Amazon Rainforest - Wildlife watching

The last two are big stars of activity schedules. Spotting and even interacting with dolphins is an absolute fan favorite, while fishing for piranhas brings everyone’s adrenaline to its maximum – always with the supervision of expert guides and following sustainable practices, of course.Pink dolphins - Best Amazon Jungle Lodges

🚨 Keep in mind: despite the abundant fauna, there is no absolute guarantee that these animals will be spotted, not only because some species tend to hide from humans, but also due to sustainable travel companies’ protocols to not disturb the wildlife.

Where to stay in the Amazon Rainforest?

Many people wonder if there are hotels in the Amazon. The answer is yes, but they’re known as jungle lodges, since they are located in the middle of the forest.

Best Amazon Jungle Lodges

Photo: Felipe Castellari

Lodges offer comfortable accommodations, leisure areas (swimming pools, entertainment rooms, gyms, lounges, bars, gifts shops…), great restaurants and exclusive activities around the forest. From modest to luxury, there’s an option for everyone.Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge Brazil

Another alternative are the river cruises, which work similarly to classic cruise ships on the ocean, but with less passengers and sailing across the waters of Amazonian rivers, like Rio Negro, Solimões, Tapajós and, of course, the Amazon River. With wonderful ensuite cabins, restaurant onboard and many entertainment options, this is a fantastic way to experience nature.

Where to stay - Amazon Travel GuideWhere to stay - Amazon Travel Guide

Find jungle lodges in Amazonas, Pará and Mato Grosso, while river cruises are available only in Amazonas and Pará.

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How long should you stay in the Amazon Rainforest?

It all depends on how much you want to immerse yourself in the Amazon Rainforest. A 3-day getaway is mostly recommended for people with a tight schedule. It’s reasonably limited, but still allows for river tours and guided hikes – which is always lovely.

Travelers usually prefer to spend 4-7 days so they can get a fuller experience, including animal spotting, visiting local communities, exploring the beauty of Anavilhanas and Jaú National Parks, and joining longer and more demanding hikes.How to

Traveling to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil: how much does it cost?

The cost of a trip to the Amazon in Brazil varies based on factors like tour category, number of days, season, number of travelers, and chosen activities. For example, wild camping tours are a more budget-friendly option, offering a raw and immersive experience, while luxury lodges provide high-end comfort at a higher price.

Solo travelers may face higher costs due to single occupancy charges, whereas group travelers can benefit from shared costs.

PlanetaEXO curates the best Amazon Rainforest Tours in Brazil, with prices ranging from R$2,000 (approximately $364 USD) for basic camping expeditions to R$32,000 (approximately $5,735 USD) per person for premium luxury packages. Please note that these estimates do not include international flight tickets to and from Brazil.

Reach out to us to receive a tailored offer for your Amazon adventure! We’ll help you find the perfect balance between experience and cost to make your journey unforgettable.

Canoeing at Cristalino River

Photo: Samuel Melim

Do you need a vaccine to go to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil?

Unlike other countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Guyana, Panama, and Venezuela), there is no requirement of yellow fever vaccinations to visit the Amazon in Brazil because ANVISA (Brazil Health Regulatory Agency) doesn’t consider the disease a risk in national territory.

However, it’s strongly recommended that foreign tourists get their shots at least ten days prior to the trip – especially if they plan on visiting the rainforest in the countries previously mentioned. Better safe than sorry!How to get to the Amazon Rainforest

What should you bring on a trip to the Amazon?

Pack your bags with:

  • Light clothes (t-shirts, long-sleeved t-shirts, shorts, pants, hats/caps, swimwear)
  • Comfy shoes (sneakers for hiking, flip flops, sandals)
  • Travel essentials (documents, cash, credit/debit cards, medication, sunscreens, after sun gel, insect repellent)
  • Equipment for jungle hiking (raincoat, flashlight, reusable water bottle)
  • Electronic devices (cellphone, camera, charges, portable charges, etc.)

How to visit the Amazon Rainforest

Is traveling to the Amazon worth it?

It’s more than worth it! The Amazon Rainforest is the richest place on the planet when it comes to natural resources, with a heavy focus on Brazil. The jungle, the rivers, the animals, the food, the people – everything holds an inexplicable beauty and magical factor not found anywhere else.

Adventure and ecotourism enthusiasts should spend at least a few days in this surreal destination so they can witness with their own eyes what Mother Nature is truly capable of. It’s an experience for a lifetime.Best Amazon Jungle Lodges: Amazon Turtle Lodge

Shall we book your Amazon adventure?

We hope this travel guide on how to visit the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil has been helpful to kick off your travel plans. Got any more questions? No problem! PlanetaEXO is here to help you with everything you need. Check our Amazon tours, choose the best one for you and come chat with us!

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