  • Kajakfahren
  • Manaus
  • Manaus
  • Camping
  • Engels, Portugees
  • 8
Price From R$2.788,00 price per person
  • Probleemloos boeken
  • Uitgekozen lokale partners
  • Duurzaam Reizen
  • Boek met flexibiliteit

Over het avontuur

Klaar voor avontuur? Ontdek onze Amazone Kajaktour in Brazilië en kom van dichtbij in het ongelooflijke Amazonregenwoud! We vertrekken op de Rio Urubu, een rivier die rechtstreeks uitmondt in de grote Amazone. Deze rivier, zo’n 500 km lang, is een van de smalste die we zullen verkennen, ideaal om de echte jungle te ontdekken. Het is een unieke en bijzondere tocht!

4-daagse kajaktour door de Amazone Brazilië

Geniet van de rust van een onbekende rivier tijdens deze Amazone Kajaktour Amazon Brazilië. Je zult enkele rustige dagen doorbrengen, ver weg van het lawaai van de wereld. De zachte stroming van de rivier maakt het gemakkelijk om in beweging te blijven, maar hou je goed vast! Je vindt er ook een aantal leuke en veilige stroomversnellingen om je tocht nog spannender te maken.

Mis deze unieke ervaring niet! Onze kajaktour op de Amazone in Brazilië is de beste manier om deze verbazingwekkende rivier te zien en haar wilde dieren te ontdekken. Dit is een unieke tocht door het regenwoud die je niet wilt missen! Klaar om jezelf onder te dompelen in het Amazonewoud?

Hoogtepunten van het avontuur

  • Navigieren Sie durch den Rio Urubu und erleben Sie den Dschungel in seiner ganzen Pracht.
  • Genießen Sie eine ruhige Fahrt auf einem wenig befahrenen Fluss, weit weg vom Lärm der Welt.
  • Erleben Sie eine einzigartige Kajaktour im Amazonas-Regenwald, einem versteckten Juwel.
  • Die Tour ist all-inclusive, d.h. Transport, Führer, Mahlzeiten und Campingausrüstung sind inbegriffen.

Dag voor dag

Klaar om te beginnen met je kajaktour door de Amazone in Brazilië? We halen je op van je hotel en rijden 2 uur naar de Urubu rivier. Je gids zal je de kneepjes van het vak leren voordat we het water op gaan.

4-daagse kajaktour door de Amazone Brazilië - watterfall

Na 3 uur peddelen op onze kajaktocht nemen we een pauze om door de jungle te wandelen en de verbazingwekkende “Lua Branca” waterval te bekijken. Daarna gaan we lunchen om bij te tanken voor het volgende deel van onze reis.

Het laatste deel van onze kajaktour door de Amazone in Brazilië omvat nog 1,5 uur kajakken. Wanneer we bij de camping aankomen, staat alles voor je klaar.  Ontspan en drink een beroemde Braziliaanse caipirinha en denk aan alle goede dingen die je vandaag tijdens je kajaktocht door de Amazone hebt gedaan.

Lunch, Avondeten

We beginnen onze ochtend met ongeveer 6 uur kajakken naar onze volgende stop. Maak je geen zorgen, we pauzeren onderweg voor een snelle hap.

Amazones Kajaktour Brasilien

De kajaktour door de Amazone in Brazilië gaat niet alleen over water; we maken ook een wandeling naar de adembenemende Iracema waterval. Geloof ons, dit wil je niet missen!

Als we eenmaal onze nieuwe camping hebben bereikt, wat dacht je van vissen om de dag af te sluiten? Nachtvissen is een ander leuk onderdeel van onze ervaring. Bereid je voor op meer avontuur morgen!

Ontbijt, Lunch, Avondeten

Klaar voor meer actie in het Amazone regenwoud? Vandaag gaan we stroomafwaarts naar onze volgende stek. Het gevoel van rust en afzondering is ongelooflijk als je door deze unieke omgeving kajakt. De derde dag van onze kajaktour door de Amazone in Brazilië heeft een speciaal tintje. We maken een stop om een lokale gemeenschap te bezoeken en over hun tradities te leren. Het is een uitstekende gelegenheid om je onder te dompelen in de plaatselijke cultuur.

Kajaktour door de Amazone Brazilië

Als de avond valt, gaan we op avontuur om nachtdieren zoals de kaaiman te observeren. Dus houd je ogen open! Het wordt weer een onvergetelijke dag.

Ontbijt, Lunch, Avondeten

Tijdens de laatste dag van je kajaktour door de Amazone in Brazilië zullen we ongeveer 8 uur lang peddelen (vergeet niet dat je, als je je moe voelt, kunt kiezen voor de optie om getrokken te worden door de ondersteuningsboot). Onze bestemming is het reddingspunt, waar een 4×4 auto op ons staat te wachten.

Kanoën in het hart van het Amazone regenwoud

Hier volgt nog een spannend gedeelte: na het afleggen van 95 km (59 mijl) van deze ongelooflijke kajaktocht op de Amazone in Brazilië, krijg je de kans om te pauzeren voor een koud biertje of verfrissende frisdrank. Onze reis eindigt als we Manaus bereiken, ongeveer een uur later, en daarmee eindigt deze onvergetelijke kajakervaring in de Amazone in Brazilië.

Ontbijt, Lunch

Wat is inbegrepen:

  • Ophalen en wegbrengen uit Manaus
  • Engelssprekende lokale gids
  • Maaltijden
  • Drinkbaar water
  • Caipirinha' drankje
  • Kano- en kampeeruitrusting
  • Ondersteuningsboot

Wat is niet inbegrepen:

  • Ontbijt op de eerste dag en diner op de laatste dag
  • Persoonlijke hygiëne producten
  • Handdoek
  • Vliegtuigtickets
  • Drank of iets anders verkocht tijdens de activiteit
Algehele beoordeling van het avontuur:
- Gebaseerd op 23 travel reviews
Zeer goed
  1. A quiet relaxing tour with good food
    By David Schryer
    van Canada
    februari 11, 2025
    We were treated to well cooked meals and a helpful guide. The waterfalls and caves we visited were certainly well selected and enjoyable to explore. The program included hours of ciesta time per day in We were treated to well cooked meals and a helpful guide. The waterfalls and caves we visited were certainly well selected and enjoyable to explore. The program included hours of ciesta time per day in hammocks strung up in the jungle waiting for wildlife to appear but we were unlucky. The plants, insects and variety of new fruit was quite interesting and when asked our guide told us more about them. On occasion he went out of his way to point new things out, such as bring us these bean like fruit one breakfast, but for the most part it was up to us to find interesting things to ask about. During one waterfall/cave hike we had an additional local guide who stopped to point out specific items of interest and tell small stories about them. This was very much appreciated and if our main guide had taken a more proactive approach during the rest of the trip we would have given full points. …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: februari 11, 2025
  2. Great kayaking trip
    By LeeAnn
    van United states
    september 10, 2024
    We did a four-day kayaking trip followed by a four-day Amazon cruise. The former was pretty basic, with hammocks to sleep in and basic (but generally very good) camp meals. Paddling was great but pretty We did a four-day kayaking trip followed by a four-day Amazon cruise. The former was pretty basic, with hammocks to sleep in and basic (but generally very good) camp meals. Paddling was great but pretty demanding during the very dry season in which we went. If you're a less enthusiastic paddler, you may want to choose a rainier time of year. …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: september 06, 2024
  3. The amazon trip was very well organized…
    By Nicola Farina
    van Italy
    augustus 25, 2024
    The amazon trip was very well organized and the guides were very nice! We recommend it.
    Datum ervaring: augustus 19, 2024
  4. Amazon Kayaking Expedition
    By Camilla Melis
    van Brazil
    augustus 29, 2024
    The experience was amazing being completely immersed in nature. Our guide knew exactly where to go and had a good spirit during the 4-day tour. We slept in hammocks, went kayaking, and saw amazing hidden The experience was amazing being completely immersed in nature. Our guide knew exactly where to go and had a good spirit during the 4-day tour. We slept in hammocks, went kayaking, and saw amazing hidden waterfalls after some good trekking trails. For your information, it is a bit physically demanding but totally recommended for a full Amazon experience. Logistically, PlanetaEXO's team was very helpful during the pre-booking and information phase. …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: augustus 19, 2024
  5. 4 days Kayaking Expedition in the Amazon
    By Connor Choban
    van United states
    augustus 18, 2024
    The four days I spent kayaking in the Amazon with Planeta EXO were absolutely amazing. The booking process was seamless, and the agents were friendly and helpful. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the local The four days I spent kayaking in the Amazon with Planeta EXO were absolutely amazing. The booking process was seamless, and the agents were friendly and helpful. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the local people and fauna and ensured that everything went smoothly. We were shown a lot of incredible sights, from cave waterfalls to crystal clear water pools. The Amazon is an incredible place, and our guide made it an even more special experience. For those who enjoy spending time in nature, I can’t recommend this tour enough. It’s an unforgettable experience. …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: augustus 13, 2024
  6. Epic Amazon adventure with great service and tasty meals!
    By April
    van United States
    januari 25, 2024
    The most epic exhale, with an amazing and relaxed tour guide who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our The most epic exhale, with an amazing and relaxed tour guide who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our accommodation. He's also an incredible cook, the food on this trip was one of the tastiest meals I've ever had, 10/10 recommend …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: januari 25, 2024
  7. Kayaking in the Amazon
    By Alyssa
    van Canadá
    januari 21, 2024
    One of the best trips my husband and I have ever taken. They took great care of us in the Amazon and took us to amazing waterfalls and jungle hikes. The food and camping experience One of the best trips my husband and I have ever taken. They took great care of us in the Amazon and took us to amazing waterfalls and jungle hikes. The food and camping experience were amazing too! The guides were also very friendly and helpful in answering all our questions. We had all the sites completely to ourselves, just the sounds of the rainforest. It was also an amazing experience to kayak and swim in the river. I would recommend doing this to anyone who is considering it, as it is an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience! You really feel removed from nature here. I tend to be very prone to anxiety, but coming on this trip I felt safe and relaxed the whole time! Thank you for the best trip of our lives!" …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: januari 21, 2024
  8. The most epic expedition!
    By April P
    van Brazil
    januari 8, 2024
    The tour guide was amazing and relaxed who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our accommodation. The guide is The tour guide was amazing and relaxed who knew the most beautiful private sites along the Amazon, they even picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at our accommodation. The guide is also an amazing cook, the food on this trip was one of the tastiest meals I've ever had, 10/10 recommend …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: januari 03, 2024
  9. Unforgettable Canoe Trip with an Expert Guide
    By Ethan L
    van Brazil
    november 9, 2023
    I got in touch with a rough plan to do a 3-4 week canoe trip in as remote a location as possible. After previously talking to several guides, it quickly became clear that the one I got in touch with a rough plan to do a 3-4 week canoe trip in as remote a location as possible. After previously talking to several guides, it quickly became clear that the one who accompanied me was the best person. His enthusiasm, sense of adventure and willingness to work with me to find the right route and expedition plan made a longtime dream possible! We ended up paddling more than 200 km down the Jauaperi River in Roraima. Throughout the preparation for the trip, the guide worked with me to finalize a route and even made a reconnaissance trip to the area to check the river conditions and get in touch with the locals. He was super open to doing this trip as partners - from the planning and provisioning to the daily route and camping decisions, he contributed his experience while remaining open to my opinion and collaboration. In the end, the logistics of the trip went smoothly. Most importantly, the guide has a genuine love for the natural environment and the wildlife we encountered. We could paddle silently for hours every morning, listening to the jungle come alive with the rising sun, and make a new wildlife observation at every bend in the river. He never lost his enthusiasm for these moments, nor his patience with my own project to absorb them. If you want to do something different, push the boundaries of a guided trip and really get out into nature, this is definitely the right choice! …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: oktober 24, 2023
  10. Fantastic 5-Day Kayak Adventure
    By Howard R
    van United states
    oktober 31, 2023
    I've just returned from a five-day kayaking trip on the Urubu River with my guide and his logistics guy. It took me a while to organize the trip due to some personal problems, but the I've just returned from a five-day kayaking trip on the Urubu River with my guide and his logistics guy. It took me a while to organize the trip due to some personal problems, but the team was very patient and helpful in answering all my emails. The days consisted of a few hours of kayaking which, as the water was particularly low, involved a lot of white water, although it was easier to paddle. Once we had to portage rapids and a couple of times we had to enter the water to guide our kayaks through rocky areas. At one point, I was almost thrown from the boat and, although I managed to right myself, Erikes was there, ready to pull me to safety. Once a day we stopped for a good lunch that was waiting for us and then we used to tie up a hammock to take a nap. Then it was back to the kayaks until we reached the campsite for the night. Occasionally we went on a hike, including one where there was an amazing waterfall where you could cool off. I'm an early riser, so I saw a few sunrises. The food was very good. Breakfast usually consisted of eggs, some kind of tapioca jam, meat, cheese and coffee. Lunch and dinner usually included rice, beans, cassava topping and one or more proteins, including chicken, beef, fish, sausages and grilled ribs. There was plenty of cold water and the occasional welcome fruit juice, as well as beer, which goes down very well on a hot, muggy day. Best part of the trip: few mosquitoes, if any, in this part of the Amazon! I only got a few bites on one day, but they may have been from ants or other insects. …read more minder lezen
    Datum ervaring: oktober 17, 2023

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    Price From R$2.788,00 price per person
    • Probleemloos boeken
    • Uitgekozen lokale partners
    • Duurzaam Reizen
    • Boek met flexibiliteit